Sunday, January 20, 2013

Some Things Never Change, Until You Cross the Street

Hello Everyone,

                It’s hard to believe I’ve already been here five days.  Wow.  Tomorrow starts my first full-week of classes.  I learned Friday that I did finally get the Intro to Bulgarian class that I had been hoping for.  Maybe now, I’ll actually be able to order what I want in the canteen.  I confused the poor lady behind the counter when I tried to buy a pack of crackers earlier today.  It took a couple of tries before everything was figured out. 

                I’ve been having a challenge getting over this whole time difference thing.  I’m used to going to sleep around midnight or so back home, but that’s around 7 or 8 am here.  Kind of a problem, although I’m making progress on this.  Friday I didn’t surface until around 2, yesterday it was 1, today it was noon.  I’m getting there. 

                I can’t believe how at home I feel here.  Somehow, it doesn’t matter where am I in the world, it always seems like I’ve been there my whole life after the first few days.  It really felt like that yesterday when I was sitting on a bench outside by the river that runs behind the Skapto campus, enjoying some of the nice afternoon sunshine.  Apparently all the locals are like the locals back home and when the weather turns nice they all enjoy a walk along the river.  It made for some good people watching.

                The old people sat on the benches gossiping in Bulgarian.  Even in a different country and a different language some things never change.  There were a lot of families out walking as well and the gleeful screams and laughter of children was an almost constant sound filling the air.  It was interesting to see that there almost as many men pushing strollers as there were women here.  Many of the other AUBG students came out as well. Four guys had set up a pick-up game of soccer, the universal get-together game, on the lawn next to the library.  Couples held hands or linked arms as they strolled along the sidewalk.  Some of the building security guards swapped small-talk as they took a smoke break.  At one point I saw the hilarious sight of a little puffy Pomeranian chasing off a German Shepherd looking mutt, one of the few strays that seem to enjoy hanging out around campus.  The snow-capped peaks of the Rila Mountains, some of the tallest in Bulgaria, rise above the town in the distance.  There was even a little taste of home in that one of the many saplings planted along the walk looked to be a magnolia tree!

                One thing that never ceases to amaze me is that the sun and the stars and the wind never seem to change wherever you are.  It’s still the same sky that you see back home in North Carolina.  The breeze felt just as cool and refreshing as it does back home and the sun just as warm.  The moon still rises and sets just the same.  No matter where you go some things just never change.

                On Friday, I received an e-mail about becoming a Writing Tutor in the Writing Center here.  I decided that sounded like fun.  Be a good way to spend some of my spare time and meet some of my fellow students.  I have a meeting with the Writing Center coordinator tomorrow afternoon between classes.  Tomorrow will also be my first shopping expedition since I got here.  Should be interesting.  I also joined a chapter of the SCA that operates here.  For those of you who don’t know this is the Society for Creative Anachronism, which re-creates 17th century Europe.  This sounds completely amazing as I’m a big medieval history fan.  Turns out my Advisor is a member of the group and we got on the subject of it when I commented on her screensaver of medieval photos. 

                Crossing the streets here is a rather risky business.  They have crosswalks here, but no crossing signs like back home.  They have a couple of police officers at the main crossing by the Skapto campus, but for the most part you basically just have to pick what looks like a good opened to cross and start walking, trusting that the oncoming cars will actually stop rather than run you over.  It’s definitely a new experience. 

                Well, that’s about all I have for this post.  Keep checking back for more of my adventures in Bulgaria.  Until next time!

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