Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Going to DC Monday!

FINALLY have all my documents in one place where I can actually lay hands on them!  So exciting at least that's one thing I've gotten done in this week from Hell, but that's a different story.  Finals is all you need to know. 

Now the next step is to go to the embassy to get everything settled and started.  Unfortunately that means I have to travel all the way to DC.  While I love DC and don't mind going there most of the time, I just really want to hibernate for the next month, not have to get up at 3 in the morning to leave my house by 4 to be at the Atlanta airport at 6 in the morning to leave by 7.  That just is not how I want to start my Monday.  Yes, a Monday.  Sadly, the embassy is not open on weekends, otherwise I would just leave from Charlotte.  It's also cheaper to fly out of Atlanta.  Go figure.  Anyways...

I figured I would make a nice day trip out of it.  Get there in the morning, submit all my paperwork and do the interview, then spend the afternoon seeing the sights, and then hop on the plane back home later that evening and be back by the reasonably respectable hour of 10 or so.  That is assuming I haven't become a sleep-deprived zombie by then.  Any one have any sights they recommend for the afternoon?  I was thinking Arlington National Cemetery and the National Archives if I can.  I'll have probably about 5 hours or so in between flights. 

I'm extremely hopeful that everything will get through on time.  Leaving the 6 so that gives less than a month for something that takes roundabouts 30 days to complete.  They really need to give us more of a headstart than August to tell us where we're going and what we need to do.  The combination of goverment red tape and college students just doesn't go that fast.  But I digress.  Monday DC, January Blagoevgrad! 


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